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If you need your website optimized for search engines or need your blogs tweaked so they show up on Google, check out Pepper SEO services:

PepperSEO Services

Foundational and Full SEO Audits for websites and blogs | keyword research & competitor analysis | website optimization services | blog optimization services | keyword tracking setup & one-on-one coaching | new website copy creation based on SEO | SEO writing services for properly optimized blogs and webpages

search engine optimization meet pepper kamloops marketing agency

Pepper offers two SEO Audit options

Pepper SEO Audits slap

Pay attention, friends! You can have the prettiest, most easily navigable website on the internet, but if people can’t find it, you won’t book clients or sell your products. And what’s the point of building something fucking beautiful if you can’t show it off to the world and use it to bring in more clients?

Are you wondering how to get your website found on Google and other search engines? Wondering how to beat out the top peeps on Page 1 of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)? Are you sad af, maybe a little stressed because nobody is finding you through your website and you’re not bringing in any hot ass leads? We feel ya. That sucks.

This is why Pepper offers SEO Audits. We have some seriously badass SEO Strategists around here who can’t wait to pick your website apart (in a good way) and then put it all back together again—a million times better than before.


Pepper Foundational SEO Audit

  • Making sure search engines are indexing ONE version of your website
  • Checking your website speed for mobile and desktop optimization
  • Identifying “Zombie Pages” (pages that don’t need to be on your site)
  • Locating indexing issues & mapping your site links
  • Checking your organic traffic & giving an overview of who is searching for your site and from where
  • Identifying all weak areas in your On-Page & Off-page SEO
  • Identifying all backlinks driving traffic to your site
  • Identifying broken links
  • Identifying weak content
  • Analyzing your website architecture (how pages connect to each other and are indexed by search engine crawlers)
  • SEO Fixes map that outlines everything that needs to be done to optimize your website and blog & exactly how to do it!
search engine optimization meet pepper kamloops marketing agency


Pepper Full SEO Audit

  • In-depth keyword analysis & report of YOUR top-performing keywords
  • In-depth competitor SEO analysis (including THEIR top-performing keywords) & report of closest two online competitors
  • Blog audit to identify areas where your blog SEO can be improved going forward
  • Analyzing UX signals (how users interact with your site) to see where your SEO strengths and weaknesses are
  • Detailed report

Once we’ve completed your Full SEO Audit you jump on a call with the team, so we can show you how to USE the competitive analysis to create your content going forward. We’ll show you how to use your keywords and your competitors’ keywords to create optimized content that is going to blow the Google algorithms AI minds!

This brings us to

Pepper SEO Optimization Services

This is where we put it all back together again.

Once you have all the reports and info and you’ve had a rad call about it, you can decide if you want to do the fixes or if you want Pepper’s SEO writers and analysts to do them for you!

So, you know, if you decide that you’d rather spend your time on cool shit, like playing beer pong or playing in the mountains, we’ve gotchu, boo!

Pepper SEO Optimization Services are completely customized to suit your website optimization needs.