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Craft a brand identity that aligns with your values and makes an impact with Pepper’s Branding Services

Branding Services

branding strategy questionnaires and meetings | mood boards | logo design | brand colours and fonts | customized brand guides | brand messaging | brand name creation | branded marketing materials | social media templates

Pepper’s Brand Services will take your business to the next level

A kickass brand is the foundation of a solid business. Whether you have a new business, you’ve been in the game for a while but never really solidified your branding, or it’s simply time for a brand refresh, we got you covered!

Developing a lasting brand identity is more than just creating a logo. Your brand is a representation of what your company stands for, and who you are as a business. Pepper Branding Services for entrepreneurs and business owners, big and small, will help you work through a comprehensive, interactive workflow that will result in a brand that not only looks great but truly represents the messaging you want your clients to hear.

A brand without a voice is like a piece of toast with no butter; it’s just plain and boring. Our brand strategy and development will help ensure that your business is dripping with melty, salty, buttery vibes.

meet pepper branding and full brand development, logos, graphic design

Create a brand that’s effective and inspired

Brand Development

  • Brand strategy and creative direction development
  • Responsive logo concepts
  • Brand graphics and pattern
  • Colour palette
  • Typography
  • Social media profile assets
  • Comprehensive brand guide

For brands that have a vision and want their logo A$AP Rocky

Visual Identity Day

  • One responsive primary logo concept
  • One sub-mark logo variation
  • Colour palette
  • Typography
  • Visual identity guide

Dial in additional aspects of your brand

Add-on Services: Brand Messaging & Name Creation

Brand essence including personality, voice, tone, value proposition, tagline, and messaging pillars.

Discovery call, brand name research, and delivery of 5 potential brand names to choose from.

Branded templates to take your social media up a notch (or 5)

Add-on Service: Social Media Branding & Pinterest Branding

  • Branded, editable social media templates created in Canva or Adobe, based on your preference.
  • Instagram templates including highlight icons, story templates, and post templates.
  • Facebook templates including cover image templates and post templates.
  • 10 different branded, editable Pinterest templates covering:
    • Long pin
    • Quote and tip pin
    • Simple pin with title
    • Image pin with title
    • Checklist and info pin
    • Video pin
    • Idea pin

How do Pepper Branding Services work?

Once you sign on to work with Pepper, we schedule a working meeting that will walk you and your team through the foundations of developing your brand.

Before the meeting, we will provide you with an overview of the concepts so your team can come prepared to get down and dirty with their visions, creative ideas, and concepts. We will be doing interactive brainstorming sessions, so drink an extra espresso shot that morning!

Then, the magic begins!

A killer brand will help you:

How do I know if I need to re-brand?

  • Understand who you truly are as a business
  • Communicate your message consistently and effectively
  • Position yourself in your industry
  • Attract the right clients
  • Make important decisions about your business

How does your current brand make you feel? Does it align with your values and goals? Does it align with your ideal client? What message does it send out into the world? Is it outdated? Is it non-existent? Does it make you feel excited and proud? Is it time for a refresh?